Category Archives: pink sugar

launch day . a new look, a sale, and a giveaway

you guys, it’s finally here. after an amazing eight years photographing hundreds of weddings and families as pink sugar photography, it’s time i step out from behind the brand and just be me. i’m so excited to introduce my new branding, my new website, and myself. (hi! i’m andrea.) same person, same crazy love of...


the pink sugar family has officially grown by one 🙂 so so so happy to introduce you to cole henry hanki. eight pounds and four ounces of pure awesome, born early yesterday morning. more info on my maternity leave, and plenty more photos to come soon. in the meantime, a quick iphone snap of cole...

.april… and a winner!.

after one hundred and seven unique entries (i seriously loved reading every single one!) and a total of two hundred fifty one entries when all the extras were totalled up, the contest winner is the writer of the following comment (#36)*: Aww, what a great little contest, Andrea. I have many treasured family memoriesfrom you...

.lazy saturday.

how we spent our morning. …………………………………. just popping in to say hi and to share a little pink sugar update! the blog is going to be fairly slow this month as we wait out the rest of the winter and i prepare for the busy portrait and wedding seasons (which will be underway very soon)....

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