after one hundred and seven unique entries (i seriously loved reading every single one!) and a total of two hundred fifty one entries when all the extras were totalled up, the contest winner is the writer of the following comment (#36)*:
Aww, what a great little contest, Andrea. I have many treasured family memories
from you and I am crazy overdue for a beautiful pink sugar session! My immediate family is
teeny tiny, just us two… or can I count my fav Teddy, Hughbert? Would looove for you to
capture our new and upcoming memories!
congratulations christine. i’m so excited to get to work with your family again! please contact me within the next three days (before bedtime on may 7th) to arrange your session.
thank you sooo much to everybody else who entered — it really was a privilege to get a little peek into your lives and what makes each of your families special. i’m looking so forward to working with many of you in the coming months and hopefully even more of you next season!! xox.
that out of the way, onto april 🙂
i know this post is a few days late, but i’m in a wee bit of denial that it is already may! this past month we had five (!) sets of out of town visitors stay with us and the time passed way too quickly. on top of that, now that the snow has (finally!!) melted, i’ve been shooting tons again, which has been awesome, but again, has helped the time fly by.
we had a lovely, but rather uneventful easter long weekend. made a quick trip out to red deer for easter dinner with mark’s family, and otherwise stuck around home. i did a couple of quick crafts with miss li — did you know paper bag easter bunnies favourite foods are dry grass and people?! two year olds have the best imaginations, haha — but left the mantle alone this time. (i’ve had a few emails from people excited to see what i came up with, sorry to let you all down 😉 i do plan on sprucing it up for the spring/summer season now that we are starting to see some green around here, so perhaps there will be another crafty/decorating post sometime soon. in the meantime, here’s lila with her easter bunny puppet and ears (made from pipecleaner and fabric scraps!).
we had our own family portraits taken this past weekend, and afterwards decided to try to get our monthly family photo for the blog. (yes, it was may 1st, so technically no longer april, but i’m hoping no one will hold that against me — as i keep saying, the month went so fast!). anyways, it turns out that the trick to getting lila interested in having her photo taken is using a tripod! she’s usually pretty disinterested in the camera (very likely a product of seeing it ever. single. day.) but absolutely loved getting to push the shutter and run back to mommy and daddy in time (or almost in time) for the photo. she even hugged the tripod at the end and exclaimed that she loved the camera. so funny!
i realize this has been a pretty sad excuse for a monthly post, but i promise to make up for it next month — today i have birthday cake waiting 😉 may the fourth be with you. xox, andrea.
*comments were entered into a spreadsheet in chronological order, followed by facebook “likes” in chronological order, followed by facebook comments in chronological order, followed by two entries for each person who booked a session in the order their sessions were booked. i used a random number generator from to choose a number between 1 and 251. 36 was the winning number.