.sunshine coast.

oops… it appears i've been sorely neglecting the blog this month! i've been soaking in every minute with little lila, as i'm heading back to work part time later this month and want to take full advantage of the time i have NOW to snuggle and play!

you'll all be seeing some fresh faces on the blog very soon, but in the meantime i'll leave you with a handful of our vacation snapshots from last month 🙂 (the sunny weather and green-ness is a far cry from the snow and -30 degree weather outside my window this morning… hurry up spring!)

watching the planes land in edmonton before we took off
baby leo

sunset on the ferry to the sunshine coast (which certainly lived up to its name while we were there… oh how i miss that sunshine!)

on the ferry car deck (coolest location ever… i'd love to do a shoot there one day…)

hanging out in my parents backyard


there's that sunshine again (not so sure what lila thought of it, ha.)

and lastly, a family portrait in the vancouver airport 🙂

have a great week! xox, andrea.

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