your storythere is magic inpure magic


i can’t believe another month has passed! not only because this year has been flying by, but also because our world up here in edmonton is still completely and thoroughly snow covered. usually by now we at least are getting a peek at the grass underneath all that white… fingers crossed that the [relative] heatwave we’ve experienced the last couple days sticks and we get to experience spring very soon — we are ready!

march contained it’s fair share of awesomeness as well as a handful of not so awesome events. fortunately, the good way outweighed the bad, but i have to admit i’m still a wee bit annoyed with the fellow who rear ended my car and then took off before i could get any information from him. thankfully i am totally fine, but i can’t say the same for my rear bumper… boo! on a more positive note, my faith in humanity was restored later that same week when i dropped my wallet in a parking lot, only to have to hand delivered to my front door the following day… yay!

early in the month, we celebrated the second anniversary of the best playgroup ever with six of lila’s nearest and dearest and their incredible mommies. these ladies (and kiddos) have been the most amazing network of support and friendship i could have ever hoped to have while raising a child. with five siblings added to the mix, and at least one more on the way this year, we don’t see each other as often as we did when the kiddos were wee, but i know i can always count on these ladies any time i need a hand, a laugh, or a good cry. thank you all for being so special… love you! (if i had only one piece for advice to give any new mom, it would be to try to find (or create) a group of moms and babes to meet up with — the right group will totally save your sanity during those first sleepless nights, hunger strikes, toddler tantrums… you name it!)

here are the kiddos this year, along with a few favourite images from the last couple of years 🙂 (and if you happened to see this image on lila was here, it likely now makes a lot more sense — having six friends over to play is hard work!)


we also celebrated the arrival of another special baby this month. brandi‘s little guy arrived at the end of february but i had the opportunity to photograph and snuggle him a few times this past month, as well as creating a few simple decorations for his welcome celebration. i totally forgot my camera the day of the shower, but brandi was nice enough to share a few images she snapped of the event so i could post them here (thanks b!).


mark was away working for a couple of weeks so i had almost given up on getting our monthly family photo, but one day everything fell into place with naps and meals and sunset and after an afternoon of running errands, we stopped for a quick walk in the trails by our house.


also in march, this happened. pretty much the awesomest site ever when it comes to kids and design, and my girl’s room was featured. so incredibly cool — thank you ohdeedoh!


in other news, i’ve been agonizing over wardrobe choices for our own family photos next month, so i’m totally understanding how all of the families i photograph feel leading up the session. for some reason i always find it much easier to dress other families than my own (note to families i’m photographing this year: make sure you get in touch with me if you have ANY questions at all about attire as i am super happy to help!). it seems like i can find perfectly coordinating looks for any two of us (li and i, mark and li, mark and i) but can never find that perfect third outfit (that actually fits properly!) to tie it all together… i’m sure it will all come together in the end (fingers and toes are crossed) but in the meantime, here are a couple of palettes i am working with. if you happen to spot anything super duper awesome for either look, let me know!


aside from all of that, i’ve spent most of my month preparing for the busy wedding and portrait ahead (may is pretty much full and i’ve now opened my calendar for sessions for june through the end of september) and trying to convince my two year old that she used to know how to sleep. i would gladly welcome any tips for a toddler who is not at all interested in sleeping in her own bed, and is newly afraid of both the dark and monsters. i would love to come back for april’s recap with a success story and both of us sleeping through the night 🙂

oh! i almost forgot. if you happen to follow the pink sugar facebook page you may have noticed a certain announcement made there a few days back… there is going to be a contest announced within the next couple of weeks here, and a free session will be up for grabs! hang tight for details 🙂

alright, i’ve got some sunshine to go enjoy! hope you all had a great month and that spring finds us all very soon. happy april! xox, andrea.





hi, i'm andrea.


i believe in celebrating the good

in every day and i feel so lucky

to get to tell the messy,

magical, authentic stories

of busy, beautiful perfectly

imperfect families like yours.

never underestimate
the value of tiny
explosions of magic
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