last april, as the snow melted and people began venturing outside more, we decided to add some fun to the sidewalk in front of our house with a little chalk obstacle course. it was so fun to peek out the windows and see people of all ages hop, run and spin as they passed by.
this month we decided to create a course for even more people to enjoy. we packed up our chalk on a day off and headed to the kids’ school to make some magic.
we don’t get to see as many people using it as we did on the sidewalk out front, but stop by whenever we go to the park, and are hopeful it’s getting some use by all of the kiddos this week!
if you decide to make your own (we hope you will!) there are really no rules!
here’s a list of the actions we included (and a few others the kids hope to incorporate into next year’s course).
- hopscotch
- follow
- jump over
- stomp
- balance
- spin
- right foot hop
- left foot hop
- star jump
- run
- shuffle
- skip
- gallop
- bear crawl
we’d all love to see what you create if you give it a try — tag me on instagram with your creations!
happy chalking!