your storythere is magic inpure magic


my apologies for the unplanned blog hiatus… i think i've begun writing this post about ten times now — but then lila wants to read a book or colour or have a snack or snuggle, and then cole needs to eat or play or be rocked or squished (ha!). and then it's time to visit with friends or make dinner or [attempt to] clean up, and then suddenly it's bedtime all over again. needless to say, i've very much been enjoying my family and my maternity leave the last couple of months 🙂 (if you've emailed me in the last while, you'll likely have noticed that this hiatus has applied to my inbox as well — again, sorry!)

with spring in the air, and my calendar officially open to session bookings for the spring, summer and fall (and filling rather quickly, i should add), it's almost time to get back to reality. but in the meantime, while the little ones are enjoying [the very rare and elusive] coordinated sleeptime, let's take a quick look back at january 🙂

lila started preschool in january and has been absolutely loving it. the amazing childcare she previously attended ended up closing their doors at the end of october, so we'd been looking for somewhere for her to go a few hours a week, and as luck would have it, a spot opened up right nearby in the new year. i love picking her up after class and hearing about her afternoon — she's always so excited to share the crafts she's made and teach us the songs she has learned. getting the one-on-one time with cole (which in january consisted mostly of me staring at him while he slept) for two hours a few days a week is really great too — win win!


the weather's been ridiculously mild [for edmonton] all winter so we have had lots of opportunities to get outside and play in what little snow we do have this year. from ice skating to snow angels to afternoon walks, we did a little bit of everything! there was lots of indoor family time to be had as well, as we settled into our new life as a foursome 🙂


in addition to lots of quality family time, we've been spending a lot of my time off with friends. lila has been super lucky to always have had lots of friends right around her age and it's looking like cole's social life is headed in the same direction. (and super lucky for me that their friends all have awesome mommas too!).


these monthly recaps are likely going to feel a little redundant for those of you who are following our adventures in pinksugland on the new personal blog (the launch of which was definitely one of my highlights of the month!!), but given that i don't use a tonne of words over there, hopefully it won't get too boring! and if i can find a few more hours each day, perhaps i'll try to think of some other things to share during my monthly personal posts here!

still a few more sessions to share over the next few weeks before i start up shooting full time again — i promise i won't leave you all hanging so long again!! and that all said, i think i should take advantage of the fact that both of the wee ones are currently asleep and go get some shut eye myself! xox, andrea.








hi, i'm andrea.


i believe in celebrating the good

in every day and i feel so lucky

to get to tell the messy,

magical, authentic stories

of busy, beautiful perfectly

imperfect families like yours.

never underestimate
the value of tiny
explosions of magic
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