your storythere is magic inpure magic


so, i've decided i'm going to try to share a personal post on the blog each month. this is a little scary as i'm much more comfortable blogging photos than i am words, and also because i don't really have a plan for content or structure (i really like plans…), so i'm just going to jump right in here and hope for the best.

first off, i'm so happy that you're here! having a blog wouldn't be all that much fun without any readers and i really appreciate those of you who take time out of your lives to come by and check out what's been happening in pinksugarland 🙂 part of the reason i've decided to give this personal blogging thing a try is so that you readers/friends/clients/colleagues can get to know me a bit better, and hopefully, i'll get to know you all a little more as well. like i said, i'm not really sure how these posts are going to evolve but hopefully they'll end up being somewhat interactive. i'd like that 🙂

january marked the beginning of a new year, the start a new personal project, the introduction to a new internet addiction and the first anniversary of moving into our first home. i was lucky enough to be featured on an awesome blog for women in business and i finally finished up my last couple of projects for lila's bedroom (one year later and we have *one* room completed in the house… someone please tell me this is normal?).

the one and only thing i did plan on doing when i first began thinking about giving these monthly personal posts a try, was including a photograph of our little family each month (a la tara whitney). but… mark ended up being away on business for much of the month AND it was incredibly dark and cold and snowy when he was around (yes, i realize i'm making excuses) so i'm cheating a bit for this month's photo. yes, the three of us are in it, but ten other people are too 😉 we started the month off on new year's day tobogganing with some of lila's best pals, and set up a quick self timer photo just before heading back to the house for some hot chocolate. so here we are (notice that the photographer's child is the only one NOT looking at the camera), all bundled up and slightly out of focus, but happy and surrounded by friends on the first of the month.

edmonton family photographer

even though i sort of dropped the ball on the january family photo, i was pretty good with keeping up with the images for another new little project i began this past month (yay!). if you like my facebook page, you'll already have seen one little teaser (and if you don't like my facebook page… what are you waiting for?!), but let this be the official public debut of my daily(ish) photo blog, lila was here. go on, check it out, and please feel free to comment. i'd love to hear what you think 🙂

edmonton family photographer

in january, i also finally succumbed to joining pinterest. i received an invite a couple of months ago and tried to avoid it as long as i could (i just knew how terribly addicting it was going to be), but i gave up on avoiding the inevitable and oh man, i am in LOVE. it is so chock full of loveliness and craft inspiration and beautiful decor and yummy recipes and… i could go on! (for those of you who haven't heard of it yet, read this to get an idea of what you're looking at, and then take a peek around for yourselves — it's seriously awesome!)

and while we're on the subject of loveliness… let's chat about lila's bedroom 🙂 li's room was the first that i began working on when we moved into our new place (a year ago this past weekend — yay us!) and it's been sitting 95% done for a good eight months now. i finally finished the last three little tasks on my to do list (making the growth chart, painting the mirror and framing some of li's artwork) last week and i'm so excited to share the whole room with you all. (if you've been following my blog for a while, you'll know i have a bit of a thing for crafting and decorating and this little room is filled up the brim with do it yourself projects and love). i'm going to do a full post later this week, but in the meantime, a few teasers 🙂 the best part about the room is that lila absolutely loves playing and reading in there. i can't help but smile every time i walk past the open door.

edmonton family photographer

if you're still reading (congratulations on making it this far!), you're probably a little sick of me by now (ha!), but if you want to read more and find out a bit more about my business and how i got started in photography, you can check out this interview i did for davina fear's women in business series a couple of weeks back.

so… that was january! busy, fun and extra snowy! the plan (if you can call it that) is to keep up these monthly recaps as the year goes on so please let me know in the comments or by email if there is anything in particular you'd like to see or read about. crafty stuff? where i like to shop? photography q&a? what's my favourite food? anything! and now that you know me a bit better, i'd love to hear something about you. who are you? what brought you to the blog? where are you from? what is your favourite colour? again, anything! i'd love to learn a bit more about who is following along 🙂

thanks for being here. and happy february! xox, andrea.





hi, i'm andrea.


i believe in celebrating the good

in every day and i feel so lucky

to get to tell the messy,

magical, authentic stories

of busy, beautiful perfectly

imperfect families like yours.

never underestimate
the value of tiny
explosions of magic
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