we're home we're home! mark, lila and i are [not so successfully] attempting to settle back into life in the mountain time zone after an absolutely incredible couple of weeks visiting southern france and london. i don't even know where i could start in telling the stories of our travels, but seeing as i've had about 74 million or so requests to share some holiday pics, hopefully the images will be able to tell a bit of the tale for me 🙂
thanks so much for your patience with my getting back to all of your emails and phone calls (if you haven't heard back from me yet, you can expect to by the end of tomorrow), for the amazing response to the birthday sale, and for all of the happy birthday emails 🙂
also, happy mother's day to all the mommas out there. (especially mine… love ya mom!) my day started off with an iphone — thanks lila 😉 — and homemade waffles — thanks mark 🙂 — so i'm definitely a happy momma… next up, off to the park to enjoy the sunshine!
keep your eyes here over the next few days for the first look at kelly and keenan's engagement session that i shot in france!
xox, andrea.